With beginning costs of Rs 6.79 lakh for the entry-level model and Rs 10.14 lakh (ex-showroom, Delhi) for the top end, Maruti Suzuki has introduced the fourth-generation Dzire in India. Its four trim levels are LXi, VXi, ZXi, and ZXi+; the mid-spec VXi and ZXi trims come with CNG. You can also purchase the new Dzire through Maruti’s subscription program for an EMI of Rs 18,248. The special rates will remain in effect until December 31, 2024.
LXi | ₹6.79 lakhs | – | – |
VXi | ₹7.79 lakhs | ₹8.24 lakhs | ₹8.74 lakhs |
ZXi | ₹8.89 lakhs | ₹9.34 lakhs | ₹9.84 lakhs |
ZXi+ | ₹9.69 lakhs | ₹10.14 lakhs | – |
The Honda Amaze, Hyundai Aura, and Tata Tigor are still competitors of the new Dzire; the Amaze will also get a generational upgrade next month. In addition to having a distinct design identity and more features than the Swift hatchback, the new Dzire is the first Maruti vehicle to receive a 5-star Global NCAP crash test rating.
Maruti Dzire Dimensions
The new Dzire has a 2,450mm wheelbase, 163mm ground clearance, and dimensions of 3,995mm long by 1,735mm wide by 1,525mm high. Its dimensions are the same as those of the departing Dzire, except for a 10mm height increase. Notably, the design is entirely different from the outgoing model and has no visual similarities to the Swift, in contrast to the models from the previous generation.
The new Dzire has a flat canopy up front with faint folds at each corner. It has sleek “Crystal Vision” headlamps with blacked-out surrounds, reminiscent of Audi. With five horizontal slats and a piano black finish on the topmost panel with a chrome strip, the hexagonal grille is larger. More curved features are added to the doors and fenders in profile, and the alloy wheel design is new as well; higher types have a diamond-cut pattern.
The new Dzire has a square taillamp design with “3D Trinity LED elements” at the back. Except for some new sculpting on the lower portion of the bumper, the boot lid and bumper design are comparable to the previous one.
Maruti Dzire Interior
Although the general appearance is similar to that of the Swift hatchback, it has more colors and textures than the Swift’s black and silver color scheme. The dashboard is completed with silver trimmings, dark brown imitation wood, and beige upholstery. Along with wireless Apple CarPlay and Android Auto connectivity and connected car capabilities, it has the same 9-inch SmartPlay Pro Plus device found on many other Marutis.
Higher models are now available with a factory-installed single-pane sunroof, which is a first for the Dzire and the small sedan market. The new Dzire also has a 360-degree camera, rear AC vents, a rear center armrest, and cruise control.
Maruti Dzire Engine Specification
The 1.2-liter, three-cylinder Z12E petrol engine, which produces 82 horsepower and 112 Nm and has an idle start/stop function, powers the new Dzire. There are two gearbox options: a 5-speed AMT and a 5-speed manual. The engine generates 101.8 Nm and 69.75 horsepower on CNG.
Maruti Dzire Safety Ratings
GNCAP has awarded the 2017 Maruti Dzire a 4-star safety rating for child occupant protection (COP) and a remarkable 5-star grade for adult occupant protection (AOP). It becomes the first Maruti to receive a 5-star rating from Global NCAP for this reason. Six airbags, ESP, hill hold assist, ABS with EBD, brake assist, three-point seat belts for every seat, and ISOFIX mounts are among the safety features of the 2017 Dzire. The third-generation vehicle will still be offered to fleet owners as the Dzire Tour, while the fourth-generation Dzire will take the place of the outgoing model for individual purchasers.